citrus sinensis การใช้
- There is an orange variety called " Aregno Citrus sinensis Osbeck ".
- Oranges occur in two main species, sweet orange, Citrus sinensis, and sour orange, C . aurantium.
- The sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis ) was introduced to Europe by the fifteenth or sixteenth century.
- I selected two 12-inch specimens, an orange ( Citrus sinensis'Washington') and a lime ( C aurantifolia ).
- The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange ( " Citrus sinensis " ), but it is much smaller, being approximately the size and shape of a large olive.
- All grapefruits, which bear the whoop-de-do botanical name Citrus paradisi, stem from a natural cross between a sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis ) and a pomelo ( Citrus grandis ), an aromatic, low-acid fruit with many segments.
- Due to the importance of oranges to the economy of the state of Florida, " the juice obtained from mature oranges of the species Citrus sinensis and hybrids thereof " was adopted as the official beverage of Florida in 1967.
- CiLV-C was long considered restricted to the " Citrus " genus, where species exhibit different grades of susceptibility, with sweet oranges ( " Citrus sinensis " ( L . ) Osbeck ) being highly susceptible, mandarins ( " C . reticulata"